

Article I: Name

This organization shall be known as the NAZARETH AREA BLUE EAGLE BAND PARENTS (NABEBP)

Article II: Object – Purpose

  1. To stimulate and sustain interest in school band work among students, faculty, parents and the community.
  2. To support the efforts of the band director and all band members with the goal of maintaining and continuing to build a strong school band program.
  3. To provide funding for student participation through the use of fees, fundraising and contributions.
  4. To promote closer contact and cooperation among the director, administration, community and parents of band members.
  5. To meet for the purpose of conference and cooperation in matters pertaining to the organization’s morale and financial support of music within the Nazareth High School

Article III: Policies

  1. The Band Director will be the final decision maker regarding all matters pertaining to the band program of the school.
  2. The Organization will comply with published Nazareth Area Board of Education and Nazareth High School guidelines and procedures.
  3. Official acts by the Organization membership and/or Executive Committee will comply with the Bylaws.

Article IV: Membership

  1. Anyone interested in the welfare of the band shall be eligible for membership
  2. There shall be no dues

Article V: Officers

The officers of the Organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Historian, Director of Volunteers and the Past President (for not more than one year after the expiration of his/her tenure as President) to be referred to hereafter as the
Executive Board.

  1. The duties of the Executive Board shall be to organize matters of policy and the business and present same to Organization. The Executive Board is granted, under extraordinary circumstances, and with approval of all members of the Executive Board, the power to vote on and pay beyond the $500 limit any extraordinary expenses that arise and to report such action at the next general meeting. Only the President and Treasurer are authorized to establish or alter bank accounts or other financial accounts on behalf of the organization and only with prior approval of the Executive Board and the Band Director.
  2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Organization. He/she will nominate the chairpersons of all committees for approval by the General Membership. He/she shall be ex-officio, a member of all standing committees. Shall prepare report/timeline notebook to pass on the next President at end of term.
  3. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform all the duties connected with the office of President. The Vice President will be available to assist all officers in the performance of their duties.
  4. The Secretary shall keep a record of all the proceedings of the Organization. He/she shall keep an accurate list of all the members of the Organization. He/she shall also conduct all the correspondence of the Organization, and shall have custody of the same. It shall be his/her duty to notify all members of their appointment on Committees and to send out all notices as directed by the President.
  5. The Treasurer shall have charge of all the fund of the Organization and pay out money only as approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Organization. All expenses, excluding operating and customary expenses, in excess of $500.00 shall be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at any regularly scheduled meeting. All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer, the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer and on other Executive Board member.
  6. The Assistant Secretary-Treasurer shall assume the duties of the Secretary or the Treasurer in the absence or retirement of either officer.
  7. The Historian shall compile the history of the Organization and keep a record of interesting activities of the Organization and the Band. He/she shall also serve as Publicity Chairperson.  He/she shall maintain permanent archive copies of the by-laws. 
  8. The Director of Volunteers shall be direct line interface with the band director in securing safety measures for the band unit, as well as providing volunteer lists to all committee chairpersons.
  9. In the event of any vacancies other than President or Secretary or Treasurer, the President shall nominate a candidate to be approved by the General Membership. 
  10. The Executive Board, by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the total Board, shall have the power to suspend or remove from office any elected officer for conduct detrimental to the Organization.

Article VI: Committees

There shall be the following standing committees:

Ways and Means Refreshment Stand Soundfest The President shall nominate the chairpersons of all committees for approval from General
Membership.  The Director shall be notified one week in advance of all committee meeting so that he/she may attend, if possible.

    1. The Ways and Means Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and all fundraiser heads. It shall be the duty of this committee to formulate plans for the raising of funds. All fundraising activity must be submitted to the Executive Board for approval.
    2. Refreshment Stand Committee shall include a Chairperson and a committee of three cochairs (refreshment stand co-chair, stand cashier/volunteer co-chair and candy section cochair) and other members, at large, as needed. The responsibility is to provide food services at Wahoo Bistro and at other food service fundraisers as designated by the Executive Board.  These include, but are not limited to: football games (freshman, JV, and varsity), community pep rally, annual competition, etc. If the Chairperson cannot perform their duties, then any one of the co-chairs could assume the duties.
    3. The Soundfest Committee shall include a Chairperson and a committee no less than three (3). It shall be the duty of this committee to organize and host the annual marching band competition fundraiser.
      Non-Standing Committees:
      1. Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members (non-Executive Board Members), to be appointed by the Executive Board at the regular March meeting.  The duties of the committee shall be to prepare a ballot of the candidates for each office by contacting all standing members. This report is to be made at the April meeting.
      2. Auditing Committee shall consist of two () auditors (non-Executive Board members) appointed by the Executive Board. The audit shall be conducted in July and presented at the August meeting.

Article VII: Meetings

  1. A. The regular meeting of this Organization shall be as per the school calendar- normally the first Tuesday of each school month when school is in session at 6:30PM
  2. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President, or upon written request to the President of seven (7) members of the Organization.
  3. A quorum for the transaction of business at meetings shall consist of those present
  4. Executive Committee meetings consisting of the Executive Board and the Standing Committee Chairs will be held the last Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM.

Article VIII: Election

The annual election shall take place at the regular meeting in April of each year. Nominations for any office may be made from the floor. All incumbent officers shall continue in office until the regular May meeting. A member shall hold only one office or Executive Committee position at one time.

See Nominating Committee Article VI Non-standing committees (a).
Article IX: Amendments These by-laws may be amended at any general meeting, by a two-third (2/3) vote of the members present, provided said amendments have been read at a previous general meeting and distributed via email or regular mail to each member at least one month prior to that general meeting.

Adopted this 5th day of Feb, 2019

Signature of Historian: David Johns